
Regular Events

Day Event Group Time Location Details
Tuesday Family Fun 0 - 4 years with carer 09:30 - 11:30 Upper Room & Wesley Room Term time only
Friday Family Focus 0 - 4 years with carer 09:30 - 12:00 Upper Room & Wesley Room Term time only
Saturday Refresh Women 10:00 - 11:30 Welcome Cafe 2nd Saturday of month - bimonthly from January. Time-out for women an opportunity to be spiritually refreshed.
Mens Breakfast Men 8:30 - 10:00 Welcome Cafe 2nd Saturday of month - bimonthly from February.
Knit and Natter Adults 10:00 - 12:00 Welcome Cafe 3rd Saturday each month bring your crafts and do alongside others.
Messy Church 2-12 with parent 16:00-17:45 Church and Cafe 1st Saturday of the Month
Sunday Service / Worship All 09:00 Worship Area Blue Room and Welcome Cafe Traditional format with a range of hymns and Bible-based teaching.
Service / Worship All 10:45 All Rooms Band led mixture of modern songs and Bible-based teaching. Groups for young people.
Sparklers (0 - 4 years)
Rockets (5 - 7 years)
JAM (8 -11 years)
Rock Solid (11-18 years)